Cambridge police report request. Contact Us Leadership Team .

Cambridge police report request to 5 p. REPORT TYPE: WARE ST Police responded to a reported disturbance on the 0 block of Ware St. In most cases, the permit will be issued the same day. To report a crime via telephone anonymous, please call 617-349-3359 and leave a message on 24-hour Anonymous Crime/Drug Tip Hotline. 04/04/202416:44 INCIDENT Request Records; Become a Police Officer; CPD & 8 Can't Wait; Follow CPD on Social Media; About CPD. A report was taken. Submit a Public Records Request Your Dog and Stormwater Cambridge Animal Ordinances Cambridge Police Contact Us / FAQs (cambridgema. Cambridge Police responded to Plymouth Street for the report of a larceny in progress. After confirmation of the warrants, Daniel Desjardins, 40, of Somerville MA was arrested for a warrant out of Cambridge How to Start Reporting via Phone. Employment Application; Event or Parade Permit Application; Handicap Sign Request Form; Noise Permit Application WARRANT ARREST REPORT. You can also file a report in person by visiting the Cambridge Police Department, which is located at 125 6th Street in Cambridge. BERKSHIRE ST Police responded for a report of an unwanted person on the 10 block of Berkshire Street. Assisting news personnel in covering routine news stories and at the scene of incidents. 05/09/202408:54 INCIDENT 24003822-1 LARCENY OVER $1200 C266 S30. This process will take several days up to a week. A Cambridge resident came into the police station to report a past assault that occurred on the 400 block of Rindge Ave. Issues threatening public safety or requiring immediate attention should always be reported directly to the Cambridge Police Non-Emergency Line at 617-349-3300. Send a text message to Tip411 (847411). , Cambridge, MA 02142. MASSACHUSETTS AVE A business on the 500 block of Massachusetts Avenue reported a trespassing. 03/23/202415:44 INCIDENT 24002367-1 B&E FOR MISDEMEANOR C266 S16A. 10/21/202400:15 ARREST24009558-1 WARRANT ARREST REPORT. 09/16/202418:33 INCIDENT 24008288-1 LARCENY FROM BUILDING C266 Police responded to the 300 block of Mount Auburn St for a past assault report that occurred at JFK St & Winthrop St. Shortly before 11:30 p. MASSACHUSETTS AVE Police responded to a business on the 1200 block of Massachusetts Avenue for an individual unable to pay their bar tab. Ward, 57, of Cambridge, was arrested for distribution of a Class B drug and possession of a Class A, Class B and Class E drug. Cambridge Police > Clinical Support This newly created Unit is managed by the Director of Clinical Support Services and includes a nationally-recognized expert in child and adolescent mental health and juvenile justice, licensed social workers, a recovery coach, director of outreach & community programs, and clinical interns. For more information visit our Request to Interview an Investigator page. A police report was taken to document this harassment: Feb 3 2025 3:00PM INCIDENT 25000976 LARCENY UNDER $1200 C266 S30(1) ALBANY ST Police responded to the 200 block of Albany Street for a past larceny that occurred on February 1, 2025. Patrol Sections personnel (Patrol Officers) respond to calls for service of an emergency and non-emergency nature as well as performing proactive assignments addressing quality of life issues. PUTNAM AVE Police responded to the 200 block of Putnam Avenue address for a report of harassment. Your submission will reviewed by an officer and an official occurrence number sent to you. Our police offices are typically open Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Request Form: Complete a public records request form available on the Cambridge Police Department’s website. MAGEE ST Police took a report for a past hit & run crash with property damage on the 50 block of Magee Street. This Board is independent of the police department and is located at 51 Inman Street. MASSACHUSETTS AVE Cambridge Police were flagged down near Carl Barron Plaza for an individual who had been sprayed with pepper spray. SERVICE ADVISORY: The Cambridge Police Records Unit will be open to members of the public, by appointment only, Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a. In order to formally file a police report with the Cambridge Police Department, please call 617-349-3300 (the business line for the Cambridge Police Department) and a dispatcher will connect you with the appropriate Officer. 12/18/202321:48 INCIDENT 23011566-1 IDENTITY FRAUD. Report Online Our online reporting option will allow for selective non-emergency reports to be submitted over the internet. MASSACHUSETTS AVE Regan Tims, 47, of Boston, MA was arrested on warrants out of Cambridge District Court after Police observed her on the street. Public Records Portal Per Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 136, Section 7, a Sunday/Holiday Work Permit must be obtained for any contractor work to be performed on a Sunday or Holiday. CAMBRIDGE - Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan and Cambridge Police Commissioner Christine Elow have confirmed the ongoing investigation into a fatal shooting that occurred last night in Cambridge. CAMBRIDGE ST MISC. Request to Interview an Investigator Form Timeline: 14 days + FOI Request or Court Order to produce records. 12/29/2024 11:46 ARREST 24011850-1 WARRANT ARREST REPORT. As a governmental entity, the Massachusetts Public Records Law applies to records made or received by the City. The deadline to apply for the exam is January 28, 2025. , Cambridge Police responded to Clifton Street for a report of multiple gunshots. Jan 23 2025 6:09PM INCIDENT 25000625 SHOPLIFTING BY ASPORTATION C266 S30A: CAMBRIDGESIDE PL Police responded to a report of shoplifting on the 100 block of Cambridgeside Pl. L. 11/01/202423:18 INCIDENT24010021-1 LEAVE SCENE OF PROPERTY DAMAGE C90 S24. Request Records; Become a Police Officer; CPD & 8 Can't Wait; Follow CPD on Social Media; About CPD. BLAKE ST Police observed an individual known to have active warrants on Blake Street. Victims or their designated representatives must either submit their request in-person or pick-up their incident report in person at the Cambridge Police, Records Unit at 125 Victims or their designated representatives must either submit their request in-person or pick-up their incident report in person at the Cambridge Police, Records Unit at 125 Sixth St. The seventh Cambridge-Northeastern Police Academy began this week with 32 student officers, including ten new recruits for Cambridge. 32. Police took a report for a simple assault & battery on the 2200 block of Massachusetts Avenue. Type # Date & Time. Cambridge, MA 02142 LTC/FID Application Forms: Applicants are encouraged to complete the Cambridge Police Application for License to Carry/Firearms ID Card and the Massachusetts Resident LTC/FID/Machine Gun Application form prior to visiting the Records Unit. Public Records Request. Filing a false police report is a criminal offence. MASSACHUSETTS AVE Police took a report for a stolen cell phone. Required Information C: Copies of Police Reports. 66 §10(a) and 950 C. Feb 12 2025 7:19PM INCIDENT 25001253 SHOPLIFTING BY Look up general information about police calls for service in your neighbourhood or across Waterloo Region. Payment a resident from Medford MA came into Cambridge Police to report a past hit and run crash involving their parked motor vehicle on Bishop Allen Drive. When making a request, please be as specific as possible by CAMBRIDGE POLICE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC RECORD REQUEST PLEASE PRINT – CLEARLY and COMPLETELY ____ Comments: Please provide any other information that may be helpful in locating the records and processing you request: Important: M. View City of Cambridge Crime Map. 09/13/202401:42 INCIDENT24008162-1 WARRANT ARREST REPORT. 11/22/202421:09 INCIDENT24010761-1 TRESPASS C266 S120. Led by specially trained CPD personnel and community public/private collaborations, these community-based services help to support those individuals who are homeless, suffering from mental illness or elder abuse/neglect. Read our complete privacy statement Keith D. Jan 9 2025 11:05AM INCIDENT 25000221 B&E DAYTIME FOR FELONY C266 S18: FRANKLIN ST Police took a larceny report on the 400 block of Franklin St involving a jacket that was stolen. The reporting party wanted a police report to document this incident. Nothing about a report is discussed over the telephone. Initial reports indicated that, upon hearing gunshots, witnesses observed a red sedan fleeing the area and three individuals running down Rindge Avenue. 08/26/202419:02 INCIDENT24007567-1 LARCENY UNDER $1200 C266 S30(1) CAMBRIDGEPARK DR The DPW headquarter is located at 147 Hampshire St. Misty Lottmann, 23, of Somerville, MA, was arrested on the 1800 block of Massachusetts Avenue for warrants out of Quincy District Court and Cambridge District Court. Email us Visit Website 125 Sixth St. Preparing and presenting criminal cases to the District Attorneys Offices of the District, Juvenile and Superior Courts and to the Clerks Office of the District and The Cambridge Police Department is an agency that is currently being built around Community Oriented Policing by way of working with the Community we serve by building relationships and solving problems collectively to make the City of Cambridge a even better place to live, work, and play. Contact Us Leadership Team Cambridge Police. The reporting party claims that an individual stole a book valued at $18. MAGAZINE ST Police responded to the 0 block of Magazine Street for a report of a motor vehicle crash. If you need the official police report for a vehicle crash, you can get a copy from the Registry of Motor Vehicles. Read our complete privacy statement Cambridge Police Daily Log for September 13-15, 2024. Contact Us; Leadership Team; Mission Statement & Values; History; Overview of Units; Call the Cambridge Police business line for non-emergencies. Report a range of issues and incidents, from road traffic matters to serious crimes, using our simple online tool. There is a $20 non-refundable search fee for each report requested. Summons, Subpoena or Court Order. There may be times when obtaining a copy of a police report will assist you in recalling the event or in presenting the information on your Police Record Check to your employer. 06/25/202410:02 INCIDENT 24005404-1 B&E NIGHTTIME FOR FELONY C266 S16. A resident on the 0 block of Pearl Street came to the Cambridge Police Substation to file a report for a stolen bicycle. CPD Overview. BEECH ST A resident reported that their phone was stolen from their parked car. C94C . This should only be used to request a copy of an existing police report concerning a past incident. 03/25/202416:24 INCIDENT 24002433-1 THREAT TO COMMIT CRIME C275 S2. Police took a report for a hit & run from a resident. BENNETT ST Cynthia Sisco, 70, unhoused, was arrested for warrants out of Cambridge District Court. 12/12/202410:10 INCIDENT 24011338-1 MISC. Police responded to a business on the 1400 block of Massachusetts Ave for a report of a past shoplifting incident. The Annual Security Report contains safety and security information and three years of crime statistics. M. , Cambridge, 617-349-6155. Police took a report for a walk-in male party who believes he is being harassed by a female party on social media. Text to Tip. Feb 18 2025 2:09PM ARREST 25001433 WARRANT ARREST REPORT: CHURCH ST Police arrested Jamel Reese, 43 of Cambridge, MA for warrants out of Boston, Waltham, Cambridge, Dorchester and Somerville District Courts. MISC. REQUEST A POLICE REPORT Electronic Requests: For your Request Records; Become a Police Officer; CPD & 8 Can't Wait; Follow CPD on Social Media; About CPD. Seah Levy Public Records Access Officer City of Cambridge Law Department City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 349-4121 publicrecords@cambridgema. Police responded to a report of a disturbance on the 400 block of Massachusetts Ave. Feb 17 2025 2:20PM INCIDENT 25001399 LARCENY FROM BUILDING C266 S20: SOMERVILLE AVE Police responded to a restaurant on the 800 block of Somerville Ave for the report of a past larceny. Police were able to deescalate the situation. Cambridge Police Department: (608) 423-4328 Deerfield Police Department: (608) 764 The Records Unit houses files pertaining to arrests, incidents, and accidents. D: Approved Reconsideration As a governmental entity, the Massachusetts Public Records Law applies to records made or received by the City. HAWTHORN ST Police responded to the 0 block of Hawthorn Street for a recovery of a motor vehicle. DOWNLOADABLE FORMS. Jan 20 2025 11:57AM INCIDENT 25000517 Police responded to a store on the 0 block of White Street for a shoplifting in progress. To speed up the process, please complete the Request for Access to Law Accident reports, incident reports, and other records may be obtained from the Dane County Sheriff's Office Records Section. The Property & Evidence Unit is responsible for securing all properties that come into the control of the Cambridge Police Department. Officers and K9 Tony determined the item not to be a threat. Please pay by cash, check, or Accident reports, incident reports, and other records may be obtained from the Dane County Sheriff's Office Records Section. Start a report with the address of the issue and you will then see a drop-down menu with all of the possible categories of issues you can report using this system. Victims or their designated representatives must either submit their request in-person or pick-up their incident report in person at the Cambridge Police, Records Unit at 125 Sixth St. The transparency portal provides a centralized location for the most commonly requested public materials, including policies and procedures, trainings, use of force, complaints, and special reports. 03/29/202408:16 INCIDENT 24002530-1 A&B C265 S13A. The unit also issues and archives FID Cards and Licenses to Carry Firearms. 617-349-3300. Info. KELLY RD Police responded to a hit & run with property damage. 03 Police responded to a report of a past hit and run on the 100 block of Reed St. Police responded to reports of an assault. Cambridge, MA 02142 City of Cambridge 50 Dickson Street PO Box 669 Cambridge, ON, N1R 5W8 Phone: (519) 623-1340 servicecambridge@cambridge. Once such a problem is identified, the Unit disseminates this information to the rest of the department. Please submit the form, a legible photocopy of one piece of acceptable identification (as specified on our identification page) A Cambridge resident walked into the police station to report ongoing harassment. Jan 27 2025 8:41AM INCIDENT MISC. As a result, a report was taken. Report a crime | Cambridgeshire Constabulary Current timestamp: 25/02/2025 07:56:32 Once a report is submitted you will receive a temporary reference number. Student officers are recruits from police departments across the region. Feb 3 In order to obtain a motor vehicle crash report from the Cambridge Police, please contact 617-349-3336. Fees for Request a Copy of a Police Crash Report. When making a request, please be as specific as possible by including the case number (if available), names, dates, times, locations. 02/29/202400:50 INCIDENT 24001686-1 BURGLARY, UNARMED C266 S15. How long does it take? Requests can be dealt with within a few weeks but some can take months. HARVARD ST A resident reported an ongoing issue with a neighbor. 06/30/202401:05 INCIDENT 24005567-1 MISC. TEMPLE ST Police responded to reports of an assault and battery between two parties. Cambridge, MA - Cambridge Police welcomed eight new officers and their families at a swearing-in ceremony on Friday morning, December 13, 2024, at the Cambridge Police Department. Police took a report for a past hit and run crash that occurred on the 800 block of Massachusetts Avenue. An investigation revealed no crime was committed. Cambridge Police > Police Units > Criminal Investigations Unit The Criminal Investigations Unit is responsible for evaluating reports and making a determination as to the solvability of the crime. Feb 12 2025 6:07PM INCIDENT 25001251 THREAT TO COMMIT CRIME C275 S2: SIXTH ST A Cambridge resident came into the police station to file a report for threats. 05/19/202221:32 INCIDENT 22003469-1 A&B WITH DANGEROUS WEAPON C265 S15A. m. 07/12/202410:11 INCIDENT 24005977-1 B&E NIGHTTIME FOR FELONY C266 S16. Once completed, these forms may be emailed to the Records Unit. FAYETTE ST Police responded for a report Consider how you might revise your public records request to exclude records containing such information. The resident told officers their motor vehicle was struck and damaged while it was parked. If you have been the victim of identity theft and want to report the crime or have general inquiries about cyber crimes, please call (617) 349-3300. 05/19/202221:39 INCIDENT It shall be the responsibility of the Police Commissioner or a designee thereof, to act as the official spokesperson of the Cambridge Police Department in conducting and maintaining an active liaison with the news media. Records Unit. HARVARD ST Police responded for a disturbance. , Cambridge, MA 02139. The Cambridge Police Department is committed to promoting transparency and providing the community with opportunities to engage and be informed. The best way to commend the actions of a Police Department employee is to write a brief letter describing the incident and the actions you think were exceptional. Cambridge, MA 02142 The Cambridge Police Department (CPD) has officially welcomed two new Deputy Superintendents to the department’s leadership team. 02/29/202400:18 INCIDENT 24001685-1 MISC. 02/18/202420:28 INCIDENT 24001368-1 LEAVE SCENE OF PROPERTY DAMAGE C90 S24. MASSACHUSETTS AVE. ca If the request is unclear, the Public Records Access will help you clarify the request. Below is a list of acceptable forms of identification: In order to formally file a police report with the Cambridge Police Department, please call 617-349-3300 (the business line for the Cambridge Police Department) and a dispatcher will connect you with the appropriate Officer. Prepare for the unexpected, view resources below for more information: Patrol Sections personnel work 7 days a week, 365 days a year. PORTER RD Police responded to a report of a dispute between people who know each other on the 0 block of Porter Road. MASSACHUSETTS AVE Police responded to the 2000 block of Massachusetts Avenue for a report of a hit and run with property damage. While a written request is not required, they are encouraged for the Report online any crime you've been a victim of or witnessed: from assault, theft or criminal damage to harassment, online abuse or blackmail. The Social Justice Group is comprised of officers, who work directly with adults in need of additional services. Feb 8 2025 10:13AM INCIDENT 25001117 ASSAULT W/DANGEROUS WEAPON C265 S15B: HAMPSHIRE ST Police responded to a report of an unwanted individual in a business on the 100 block of Hampshire St. Once the work has been approved by DPW and the appropriate DPW signature obtained, bring the form to the Cambridge Police Records Unit at 125 Sixth St. Please submit Access Requests, with identity verification, by mail to: PO Box 3070, 200 Maple Grove Road, Cambridge, Request for Police Reports) and/or requesting a correction to their own information. R. As with other units of the Cambridge Police Department, the Records Unit adheres to strict standards of confidentiality. If you need to obtain a copy of a police report, submit an Access/Correction Request. Jan 13 2025 4:47AM INCIDENT 25000331 RESPONSE FOR MEDICAL AID: SIDNEY ST Police responded to a residence on the 200 block of Sidney Street for report of a resident overconsuming medication. An official website of the Permitted use categories can be reviewed on the Request for Crash Report Form. 04/04/202416:05 INCIDENT 24002724-1 LEAVE SCENE OF PROPERTY DAMAGE C90 S24. Feb 9 2025 4:14PM INCIDENT 25001156 MISC. G. Cambridge Police. CAMBRIDGE ST Police spoke with a resident on the 1500 block of Cambridge Street regarding a past assault and threats. NOTE: If you witness an event that may lead to an immediate threat to human health or safety, you should dial 9-1-1 or report it to the Cambridge Police Department at (740) 439-4431. Blank copies of these forms are available at the Cambridge Police > Police Units > Operations Division The Operations Division is responsible for overseeing all Patrol Officers and patrol personnel as well as for providing around-the-clock protection and service for the entire City of Cambridge. Address: Cambridge Municipal Complex 814 Wheeling Ave Welcome to the Cambridge Police Department Data Center, which provides a consolidated listing of open data sets, as well as comprehensive crime analysis, including monthly crime reports, annual crime reports and special reports such as crash calls for service. To file a new report, or to request police assistance in Worcester, please call 508-799-8606, or in an emergency dial 9-1-1. 06 allow certain fees to be charged. The written examination is scheduled to take place between March 15, 2025 – March 22, 2025. REQUEST A POLICE REPORT Electronic Requests: For your Request Records Become a Police Officer CPD & 8 Can't Wait Follow CPD on Social Media About CPD. 2. Once Police Officers turn in such property, Property Office personnel retrieve it daily from the vault. During a ceremony on Friday, February 7th David Brown and Michael Logan were sworn-in to their new ranks in front of family members, friends and colleagues. Your call is very important and will remain strictly anonymous and confidential. Report | Cambridgeshire Constabulary Current timestamp: 26/02/2025 19:49:38 The Crime Analysis Unit carefully reviews all information--including crime reports, calls for service, arrest reports, and notices from other agencies--received by the police department, looking for crime phenomena such as series, sprees, hot spots, and trends. We strongly encourage the community to follow the Cambridge Police and learn more about police responses, important Cambridge Police Daily Log for February 29, 2024. Jan 9 2025 11:19AM ARREST 25000222 The Court Prosecutor's Office is tasked with reviewing incoming arrest and criminal complaints as well as various other activities associated with the court process, such as:. If you are reporting drug distribution activity please consider contacting the Cambridge Police Special Investigations Unit directly by calling the Cambridge Police Drug Tip Hotline at (617) 349-3359 or the Unit Supervisor at (617) 349-3360. As always, please call 911 in the event of an emergency. REPORT TYPE. To Commend Exceptional Performance by a Police Employee. A report was filed. 03/29/202403:44 INCIDENT 24002529-1 A&B C265 S13A. Submission: Submit the form either online, via mail, or in person at the CPD headquarters. Non-Emergency Line: 763-689-2141. 617-349-3210. MEMORIAL DR Police took a report for a report of identity fraud in the 800 block of Memorial Drive. Request a Police Detail. HARVARD ST Police responded to a report of a group of people fighting. c. Reviewing incoming arrests and criminal complaints. Chief: Dave Peoples Hours of Operation: 24/7. Telephone Records: (740) 439-4431 (Dispatch) (740) 439-5670 (fax) Email: Chief Dave Peoples Captain Tim Ferguson. A tribunal, justice of the peace or judge can order records to be produced through one of these methods. gov. 09/16/202418:08 INCIDENT 24008289-1 MISC. Enter through the Mall entrance and follow the signs to the back of the building. A resident on the 2500 block of Massachusetts Avenue called to report a person they know threatened to fight them. 05/09/202410:13 INCIDENT 24003823-1 LARCENY UNDER $1200 C266 S30(1) Cambridge Police responded to a report of a disturbance. 07/12/202413:03 INCIDENT 24005978-1 RESIST WARRANT ARREST REPORT. , Cambridge, MA 02142 during regular business hours. 12/12/202410:38 INCIDENT 24011337-1 LARCENY FROM BUILDING C266 S20. Contact Us; Leadership Team; Mission Statement & Values; History; The Cambridge Police Department's Records Unit is a controlled public service area which stores all police records and reports. Police responded to a report of a suspicious item. Begin with Tip650 and type message. REPORT TYPE A report was taken upon request. Any information received through use of this site is subject to the same provisions as information provided on paper. CAMBRIDGE ST A resident reported that their residence was broken into, and several electronic items were stolen. Contact Us; Leadership Team; Mission Statement & Values highlight the Department, CPD is actively engaged on social media. Patrol Day Operations personnel work 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM with the remainder of the day staffed by the two Night Patrol Sections. 06/25/202409:13 INCIDENT 24005403-1 MISC. The Cambridge Police Headquarters is located in the Cambridge City Center Mall, located at 300 3rd Avenue NE, Cambridge, MN 55008. Monthly Reports Police Reports Obtaining Police Records in Cambridge, MA 1. 02/19/202407:08 INCIDENT 24001373-1 DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY -$1200, MALICIOUS C266 S12. Limited fingerprint services On Friday, November 22, 2024, at approximately 2:10 p. Welcome to the Cambridge Police Department, celebrating over 100 years of serving the City of Cambridge. These new officers bring a range of knowledge and insight to CPD with their combined experience in law enforcement and dedication to public service. We encourage you to submit your requests for incident reports ONLINE through our Public Records Portal. Requirements. The Cambridge-Northeastern Police Academy is a Massachusetts Police Training Council (MPTC) certified training academy for new student officers. Contact. Collision accident reports can only be released once the case has been concluded. A no trespass order was Cambridge Police > Professional Standards The Professional Standards Unit has as its major function the receiving, processing, and investigation of complaints made against members of the Department. , To request a police report, please visit our office Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. CAMBRIDGEPARK DR Police responded to the 0 block of Cambridgepark Drive to execute an Police responded to the 200 block of Alewife Brook Pkwy for a report of a past hit and run crash. Such property ranges from; evidence from a crime, prisoner's personal belongings and lost/found items. Read our complete privacy statement Report damage to my vehicle; Report an abandoned vehicle; Report a vehicle that doesn't have road tax; Report a stolen vehicle or something stolen from a vehicle; Report a parking problem; Record a collision for insurance purposes - no follow-up; Report dangerous road conditions - council; Report someone behaving in an aggressive or threatening way A resident on the 200 block of Pearl Street came into Cambridge Police station to report a package theft for makeup products that that were delivered on 12/7/24. OFF. Jan 20 2025 11:41AM INCIDENT 25000515 A&B C265 S13A: WHITE ST Police responded to a busines on White Street for a report of a disruptive individual who pushed an employee. Request a Crash Report Cambridge Police. Consider how you can narrow the scope of your request to expedite the production process. TEMPLE ST Police took a report from the other party involved in the assault and battery that occurred earlier in the Request Records Become a Police Officer CPD & 8 Can't Wait Follow CPD on Social Media About CPD. CHURCHILL AVE Police responded for a report of a disturbance. 10/21/202401:08 As a governmental entity, the Massachusetts Public Records Law applies to records made or received by the City. The deadline to apply for the next Civil Service exam to become a Cambridge Police Officer has been announced. 06/30/202408:46 INCIDENT 24005569-1. After this evaluation the case is either assigned to a detective or case manager for follow-up with the reporting person. gov) 617-349-3300 Disaster Preparedness. Jan 27 2025 8:29AM INCIDENT 25000716 MOTOR VEH, LARCENY OF C266 S28: NEW ST A car rental agent walked into the Cambridge Police station to report a stolen motor vehicle. 07/09/202416:44 INCIDENT 24005868-1 B&E FOR MISDEMEANOR C266 S16A. 12/18/202323:52 INCIDENT 23011568-1 DRUG, POSSESS CLASS A, SUBSQ. The first four hours of work performed to respond to a public records request will be performed at no cost. To ensure the public’s trust and maintain the Department’s integrity, this unit conducts immediate and objective investigations of all complaints. The trespasser was summsoned to Cambridge District Court. Cambridge Police responded to the 300 block of Rindge Avenue for a report of shots fired. We will update the data center as new information becomes available. If your report request relates to a collision which resulted in a road death please email the Serious Collision Investigation Unit providing details of the request. Harvard Affiliate (login with PIN) Non Harvard Affiliate (no PIN required) URGENT Cambridge: 617-495-1212; URGENT Longwood: 617-432-1212; Business: 617-495-1215; Contact Form; Cambridge Police Daily Log for October 21, 2024. bibjiku crmjery gcsrj khiq akdp abimo vtpg azdvth dlztq zxr skrx nih ysdzx xhldw lzzwdp